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Do Bed Bugs Bite Dogs? Can Dogs Get Them?

EOGreen doggies

It’s normal to be concerned about your pet’s wellbeing during a bed bug infestation. But how much of a threat are bed bugs to your pets? Everyone knows that these pests feed on the blood of living creatures. So concern over your pet’s wellbeing during an infestation is totally normal.


If you are worried about your beloved pet surviving an infestation, worry no more! While a bed bug can technically drink blood from any living animal, they definitely prefer human blood. Unlike lice, bed bugs find it difficult to navigate your pet’s fur. They also do not live on their hosts, preferring to hide nearby their dwelling places and coming out at night for the main course. Bed bugs crawling on pets or people are rare and unusual. However, pet beds can be a perfect hiding place. If you need to check for bed bugs, make sure you do not overlook this spot.


When checking for an infestation, it is possible to look for signs on your dog or cat if you are still concerned. Bed bug bites are itchy,  so if you think you have an infestation and notice your pooch scratching more than usual you might want to take a look for peace of mind. The bites will look like tiny red welts often left behind in small clusters of nearly straight lines. Seeing bug bites such as this on your pet or yourself can help you confirm the possibility of infestation. 

Once you have confirmed the presence of bites, it is time to perform a full bed bug inspection. Bed bugs look like small, round, reddish-brown ovals. They can be round or oval shaped depending on sex, and flat or swollen depending on when their last feed occurred.  In general, these pests will be about the size of an apple seed, but can grow to be quite large if left unchecked. Look in all the usual hiding places such as pet beds, your bed, under couch cushions and anywhere else that you or your pet might spend a lot of time. Small black stains on upholstery are usually a sign of bed bug droppings, keep an eye out for these if you do not see the pests in the flesh.


If you do have an infestation, it is best to act quickly to avoid things from spiraling out of control. To get rid of bed bugs, you will need a solid plan of action. Begin by performing a bed bug prep to make sure your extermination is effective. Preparation includes a variety of techniques that eliminate hiding places and make it easier to track bedbug activity. Putting your pet’s bed and other washable items through a cycle of bed bug laundry can help eradicate them without exposing your furry friend to harsh chemicals.


Another great option to get rid of bed bugs but protect your pet’s health is by using a non-toxic bed bug spray. Treating your home with a natural but powerful pest control product can eliminate the need to relocate your pet or your family, without putting them in harm’s way. While bed bugs do not cause major harm to us or our pets, many harsh chemicals can be irritating. Using a non-toxic treatment solution can help protect your pets from bed bugs, as well as the extermination itself!

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